Our Flow Zone: Organisational and Human Development
We support collectives – inherently complex systems – in their ability to meet organisational and human challenges in an increasingly changing context and with pressured resources.
Our Proposal
The Challenges We Help You Overcome
Our systemic approach considers the collective as the place with the most potential for development towards functional and learning organisations. Through multiple experiences with our clients, we observe that the challenges encountered arise from both organisational and human elements. That is why we adopt a holistic approach. We aim to identify the links between these elements and develop solutions with our clients that address both axes.
Organisational Challenges
Working in silos
Rapid significant growth without organisational update
Adjusting governance in the face of external and internal changes
Lack of clarity in terms of roles and responsibilities
Slow, inefficient, or informal decision-making processes
Unfruitful or even useless collective sessions & meetings
Need for transformation of corporate culture
Human Challenges
Need for transformation of managerial skills
Lack of skills and tools to facilitate collective dynamics
Interpersonal and/or inter-service conflicts
Difficulty in moving away from operations and priority management
Underdeveloped feedback culture
Fragility of team cohesion
Psycho-social risk management
Our 4 support Pillars
Managerial Development
Support the development of managerial posture and practices through, among other things, training programs, coaching, and assessment centers.

Collective Dynamics
Support management or functional teams in their challenges, from a relational and structural perspective, in the form of workshops and team coaching.

Sparring partner and advisory services, an exploratory and forward-looking approach to adapting an organisation’s governance, and support for implementation.

Organisational Development
Diagnostic, strategic HR advice and projects, support in implementing structural elements: decision-making, meeting management, matrix of roles and responsibilities, etc.

Managerial Development
Support the development of managerial posture and practices through, among other things, training programs, coaching, and assessment centers.

Sparring partner and advisory services, an exploratory and forward-looking approach to adapting an organisation’s governance, and support for implementation.
Collective Dynamics
Support management or functional teams in their challenges, from a relational and structural perspective, in the form of workshops and team coaching.

Organisational Development
Diagnostic, strategic HR advice and projects, support in implementing structural elements: decision-making, meeting management, matrix of roles and responsibilities, etc.
Our Approach
Each mandate is unique because each situation is singular. It can last a few hours or extend into a partnership over several months or years. All our mandates have one thing in common: they are all built around these three axes.
We take the necessary time for each project to align with the needs and success criteria.
We create the format and content of our support with and for our clients, tailor-made.
With the collective, we progress step by step, revisiting the roadmap and adjusting our interventions.
Our support takes the form of:
Team coaching/support
Experiential training courses – in particular, on managerial posture and skills
Training days on specific subjects (feedback, team dynamics, psychosocial risks, emotional skills, conflict prevention and management, etc.)
Workshops to address your specific needs
Advice on organisational development, governance, and HR with expertise and sparring partner input
- Mediation and supervision
They Trust Us
We support many organisations in the public, parapublic, and private sectors, as well as NGOs and Foundations throughout French-speaking Switzerland.
Who are we?
A collective of professionals with complementary competencies, working together to promote the development of organisations and the potential of each individual.
Our Qualitative and Ethical Commitment
Our focus is on the sustainability of changes – this sometimes requires taking a step back and always experimenting with you in an iterative way.
We are committed to transparent and courageous communication – sometimes it may sting a little.
We refuse mandates if we do not think we can make a real impact.
We act as a collective and not as independent consultants.
We continuously train ourselves and take the time for supervision among ourselves.
We recognise that tensions, conflicts, and uncertainties are an integral part of group dynamics – we help collectives be better equipped to navigate “around” and “with” them.
Let’s meet
We favour meetings to exchange, discuss, and explore how we can support you. If necessary, we can put you in touch with other professionals from our network. We welcome you to our offices or come to you anywhere in French-speaking Switzerland.
Contact Us
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+41 (0)79 909 12 88
Visit Us
Av. de la Rasude 2 | Lausanne
Bd. James-Fazy 8 | Genève